The best radio for a dementia patient MUST be very easy to use – and, I’ve got that covered!
Seeing a dementia patient fiddle endlessly with a difficult-to-use radio can be heartbreaking. Watching your Alzheimer’s friend get more confused trying to find favorite tunes on an old radio is never an easy thing.
Instead, set your favorite dementia patient up for success by getting the best radio for a patient with alzheimer’s, Lewy Body dementia, or, really any kind of dementia.
Introducing: The Relish Portable Radio!
Those suffering from dementia or Alzheimer’s have a habit of fiddling with things like changing watch settings, toaster settings and about anything else that they can get ahold of – particularly radios with knobs.
Well, the Relish is the best radio for a dementia patient because:
1. It only have 3 buttons: On, Off, And Volume. Selecting a genre of songs is as easy as tapping an arrow.
2. The volume button cannot be reduced to zero sound so there’s no danger of not hearing the thing or not realizing it is on.
3. The Relish radio is programmable so you can set it up with 4 different types of music/station.
4. Accepts a USB stick so a caregiver can add whatever songs are favorites for the patient.
5. Will run off batteries (4 D cells) or electric.
Amazon reviewers love the thing! Favorite reviews show that people love the stylish design and ease of operation. It’s very easy for a caregiver to remove the front panel and dial in the stations for their elderly loved one.
Reviewers also love that it has a headphone jack so Mach 1 sound won’t bother caregivers or anyone else in the room!
Negatives shows include no ability to skip a song (on a USB stick only) and go to the next. Also, the USB sticks reportedly have to be a pretty small type to fit into this dementia radio. And, there is no accessible handle to carry the radio to another location.
Finally, some reviewers mention that the dementia radio only has FM frequency. Well, THAT is noted clearly in the description so don’t expect AM!
Oh well, can’t have it all. This radio for the elderly still appears to be the best on the market!
For those hard of hearing, and to protect a caregiver’s ears, check out my other article TV Listening Devices.
Other Good Radios For Dementia Patients On Amazon
When I originally penned this article, there was only ONE other radio on Amazon that was good for a dementia patient. And, that’s the ONE button radio shown below, first link.
Memory Loss One Button Radio/Large Analog Retro Style Dementia Radio/Size: 11.75iGuerburn Upgraded 16GB Simple Music MP3 Player Dementia Products Gifts for People with Dementia Patients Alzheimers Easy Music Box for Elderly Seniors 9.4 x 4.9 x 4.7 inches (Orange)
SMPL One-Touch Music Player, Audiobooks + MP3, Quality-Sound, Durable Wooden Encloser with Retro Look, 4GB USB with 40 Nostalgic Hits Included, Live Technical Support (Red, Music + Radio Player)
I helped move my mom from a one bderoom independent apartment in a residential care facility to a studio apartment. Mom is running out of money and I quickly. No one really anticipated this. The good news is that she has remained independent longer than we thought. (Mom has Parkinsons and a long term care policy that will kick in when she needs assisted living.) The bad news is that she will probably run out of money before she needs the care. I am exhausted and living in a fog. My sister is helping her unpack and settle in this weekend. She flew in from CA leaving her husband and two young girls who start school on Monday. I don’t think she will get everything done with mom because mom will have to get rid of at least 50% more stuff to really make the small space work. I dread dealing with the left overs when she leaves. Mom has Parkinsons and needs more and more help. I thought I was in the thick of things 8 years ago when she was diagnosed and she moved from her condo. Now I realize that it is really just being for me. The last years of a move, multiple falls, emergency room visits, managing multiple medications well that is seeming easy now. I am not looking forward to the next stage. I am not looking forward to aging myself.